Event: Yoga Nidra
Instructor: Golara Parsapour
Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2020
Time: Begins at 7:30PM
Location: Roseville
Cost: $17
RSVP: Please call 916.797.8550 to reserve
Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique where you learn to relax consciously. The word yoga means “union” and the word nidra means “sleep.” It’s referred to as the state of dynamic sleep, where one remains aware. In Yoga Nidra, you’re accessing the state between waking and dreaming where your brainwaves enter the alpha brainwave pattern (Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati) and you experience a deep state of relaxation. Move away from external stimulus and go inward to achieve this deep relaxation. The Yoga Nidra process is one that takes you through a sensory experience of relaxing your entire physical body one area at a time, while bringing awareness to sensation.
Yoga Mats, Towels & Water Provided By Soul Yoga