The Inside Scoop on Karma

by Feb 6, 2018Spiritual, Vedic Astrology

| Written By: Denice Zengo |

“The fruit of the tree of action, whether good or bad, must unavoidably be eaten…” -Unknown


I don’t recall doing anything to deserve this bad karma!

I’m sure you have had times when life is going along rather nicely and then BAM! Out of nowhere (or so it seems), the rug is pulled from beneath your feet. And you know this was not your doing! Well, according to the law of karma, yes it was. It may have been from a previous lifetime and it’s time to play catch up.


For Good Karma, Choose, Think and Act with Awareness

Karma is the universal cause and effect that maintains balance and harmony in the universe. There is just no getting around it. You can’t manipulate, talk, buy or bully your way out of it. The playing field is even and flawless. Maybe this will make you smile… maybe not.

The word karma means action. It is the action you take as well as the corresponding effect that comes back. Karma is set in motion by choices that are conscious, as well as unconscious. It is activated by action, intention and thought. It all matters. It all results in varying degrees of karmic impact.


You’ll Reap What You Sow but it Might not be What You Had in Mind

You can choose how to respond to an immediate situation but the karmic results of that choice are not in your control.

The purpose of karma is to guide your soul on it’s evolutionary journey. Karma teaches responsibility for our actions through various challenges and circumstances. Sometimes it’s tough love… other times we are gifted with ease and abundance.

Everything you experience is your own personal karma – even as part of the collective. You have participated in creating all of it.

Karma is not a personal law that exists outside ourselves. It is the “underlying process of the self-creating universe.” – Dr. Frawley

Karma teaches that we are ultimately all one. For every action, there is a reaction. Karma is the law of cause and effect.

Every moment of compassion, empathy and support you share – you will receive back. This holds true for every anger, pain and suffering you cause to others. This is not done as a reward or punishment. It is the fundamental evolutionary process of life.


The 4 Types of Karma and How They Influence Your Reality


Sanchita Karma

According to Vedic Teachings, you have lived many lives, with many more to come. All the actions from your past lives are part of the akashic records. This would be the sum history of all your actions (thoughts and deeds) known as karma. This collection of past actions is called Sanchita Karma. This is the “pool” where the karma for your next life time will be pulled from. How, when and which karma all depends on timing that is initiated by how the energies of the planets play out in the universe.

Question… since time is not linear would changes we make in this current lifetime initiate change in Sanchita Karma also?

Prarabdha Karma

This is the karma that affects you right now, in this lifetime. Certain karmas are manifested in a way that cannot be changed. Where you were born, what family you are born into and what physical attributes you embody. How you chose to deal with this is the expression of your free will and future karma you put in to play.

Karma has different degrees of intensity. We all face challenges in our lives. Some are easy to figure out, overcome and move through. Other times we feel overwhelmed by the situation and circumstances presented in our lives. You might feel that life is unfair and that you didn’t do anything to deserve the circumstances in your life. This may be your Sanchita karma.

Although there are many scenarios that will play out that are not in your control… you always have the option of acceptance, surrender or changing your perspective. Is it easy? Sometimes… if it is a mild karma. When the karma is more intense, then you will need to work a little harder to move through it. Your | Jyotish Vedic Astrological | chart can provide information on your specific prarabdha karma as well as effective remedies to diminish difficult planetary influences.

Kriyamana Karma

Whatever we do to change, work through or accept both our sanchita karma and prarabdha karma will in turn, create new karma. Seems like a never ending cycle. This is the wheel of life, death and birth.

By practicing yoga, meditation, ritual and right action we can begin to “burn” some of our karma. When we become mindful with increased awareness we learn to chose “right action.” Bear in mind that you cannot “fool” the universe. The intention behind the action is paramount.

Agama Karma

This is also karma that we are creating right now that will be added to our sanchita karma, eventually manifesting as prarabdha karma in a future lifetime. Agama karma is created by our dreams, fantasies, thoughts of future plans and desires.

Can you alter “bad” karma and create “good” karma?

Our minds are not capable of grasping the full intricacies of karma (unless you are a mystic or a sage). However, we do know what it means to be kind, compassionate, selfless and forgiving. Cultivating these qualities are ways to ensure good karma.

Whatever your religious or spiritual background might be, all the teachings speak of love and compassion for all of life. It is up to each of us to honestly reflect what that means. Meditation and other spiritual practices bring deeper clarity in a more subtle way |  Simple guided meditation |. Then, we fine tune the instrument of our being as we evolve to a state of cosmic recognition.

For an in depth look at how karma is part of our personal and collective evolution of consciousness, Dr Frawley’s article is a fascinating read | Karma, DNA of Our Soul |.


What is Your Experience with Karma?

Several issues come to mind when I try to broaden my understanding of karma. The holocaust, mass genocide, innocent suffering and the abuse of children and animals. I just can’t wrap my brain around it. Even if all the victims were perpetrators in a previous life, it makes for a very cruel universe. I can only accept my limited understanding and try to be part of better world.

I would love to hear how others feel about karma. How do you see it affecting your life? Do you wrestle with some of the same concerns? How do you make peace with pain and suffering in the world? Please post your comments below.


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