Satsang & Sattvic Qualities

by Apr 16, 2018Ayurveda

| Written By: Denice Zengo |

Satsang – Coming Together in Truth

Satsang is a tradition of people coming together for the purpose of truth and self discovery.

Satsang is a Sanskrit word (the ancient language passed to the sages from the God Brahman) but the notion of this type of gathering is universal. Anytime people gather together to experience higher states of consciousness, connection to God or Spirit is Satsang.

Traditionally, in Satsang, followers of a guru would assemble to listen to teachings, meditate, chant or just be in the presence of an enlightened being.

We can adopt this concept and acknowledge that since it is all about seeking wisdom and deeper knowledge, it can happen anywhere… in church, in nature, in your own home or in a yoga studio.

Our goal in Satsang is to develop more Sattvic qualities. Some of which are inner peace, harmony, clarity and light.


Sattva & the 3 Gunas

Simply put, the gunas are the 3 primary qualities of nature – of which you are a part. There is nothing here on earth that does not embody some combination of these properties. The 3 gunas are:

Sattva – Wisdom, Clarity, Inspiration, Universal love, Balance & Light
Rajas – Energy, Movement, Transformation, Agitation & Dynamism
Tamas – Solid matter, Heaviness, Inertia & Stability

One is not better than the other. We need to have all three qualities in varying degrees for various reasons. Without tamas, your body would not stay together, without rajas you would not be able to process food.

We do however want to maintain a healthy balance in body, mind and spirit – as well as develop the higher qualities of a Sattvic nature.

Action that is vituous, thought through, free from attachment,and without craving for results is considered Sattvic; Action that is driven purely by craving for pleasure, selfishness and agitation is Rajasic; Action that is undertaken because of delusion, disregarding consequences, without considering loss or injury to others or self, is called Tamasic. – Bhagavad Gita


Developing Sattvic Wisdom

It is natural for your mind, feelings and emotions to fluctuate through out the day. This constant shift can be exasperated by situations, circumstances, what you eat, watch, read, listen to… basically everything you take in from your surroundings. When you are feeling bored and dull, unmotivated and lethargic, you are in a dominant state of Tamas. If you are angry, restless, agitated or feeling passionate about someone or something, you are in the Rajasic state. When you are quiet, feeling calm and peaceful or inspired by beauty, harmony and love, you are touching the qualities of Sattva.

Sattva keys us into wisdom and insight that is beyond the lower minds response to the physical senses. It connects us to Spirit and inspires us to reach towards self-realization, transcendence and moksha (liberation).


11 Absolutes for Developing Sattvic Qualities

1 – Meditation (of course)

2 – Eating healthy foods – This is not just organic and fresh (no left overs) but food prepared with love and consciousness

3 – Healthy exercise – Appropriate for your dosha (if you have too much Pitta – do yin yoga, not power yoga)

4 – Positivity – Keep your thoughts positive, healthy and wholesome. Do not scatter your energies with mind chatter – come back your breath

5 – Be present – Stay connected to the moment

6 – Mindfulness – Be mindful of the activities you engage in, the movies you watch, the music you listen to – are they healthy, do they support your goals?

7 – Spend time in nature – There is no better way to quiet the mind, calm the body and feed the soul. Attune to the natural rhythms of Mother Earth

8 – Silence – Find some time to practice silence

9 – Have faith – Let go, trust and release fear and doubt (way to tamasic!)

10 – Gratitude – Be thankful throughout your day for all you have been given… Do not take anything for granted

11 – Kindness – Be kind and compassionate in thought, word and deed

If you are anything like I am, you will fluctuate between being disciplined and falling short of your own expectations. Be forgiving of yourself and know it’s all part of the journey. We are here to learn, grow and evolve. We are all perfectly imperfect.

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