Healing & Sound

by Jul 14, 2018Health & Wellness, Spiritual

| Written By: Denice Zengo |

Healing & Sound


From singing bowls, mantras and Tibetan bells to tuning forks and binaural beats – the vibrational energy of sound is said to promote wellness and expand consciousness.

Sound can inspire us to get up and dance, move us in a way that brings tears to our eyes or help us get a good night’s sleep.

A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of his body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system. It arouses a person to greater passions or it calms him by bringing him peace. According to the sound and its influence a certain effect is produced. Sound becomes visible in the form of radiance. This shows that the same energy which goes into the form of sound before being visible is absorbed by the physical body. In that way the physical body recuperates and becomes charged with new magnetism. – Hazrat Inayat Khan, Mysticism of Sound


Sound is Vibration

In order to talk about using sound as a healing modality, we need to acknowledge that the entire universe and everything in it is in a constant state of vibration. Sound is energy vibrating through a medium (solid, liquid or gas). You can experience sound not only through your sense of hearing, but also through your body.

Since you are a part of this universe… you too are vibrating. Every cell, bone, tissue and organ. Sound healing is based on the premise that there is a healthy harmonious vibration that keeps you free of disease. When this is disturbed for long periods of time, dis-ease may settle in. Sound has the potential to restore the correct resonant frequency for over all health and well-being.

Music is sound, but not all sound is music. Although there is a lot of wonderful and brilliant music specifically composed for meditation, stress management and accelerated learning (check out Steve Halpern’s music), you do not have to be “musically inclined” to create healing with sound.


Originally invented in 1711 and designed to tune other instruments by it’s pure tone. Tuning forks are used in sound healing to create greater harmony and balance by tuning the nervous system. They are being used for everything from shifting states of brain awareness to tuning into the energy of the planets. The Otto 128 tuning fork is used by John Beaulieu as an adjunct to acupuncture, reflexology and trigger point therapy.


Crystal singing bowls are similar in principle to Tibetan singing bowls. Both are used for healing and meditation. The difference is that the crystal bowls are made from silica sand that is pure quartz. This gives the bowls the ability to amplify, transform and transfer energy. Crystal singing bowls are each made to play a particular tone and are therefore often used to align the chakras.


Although sound healing has grown in popularity, it is not a new thing. Tibetan bells have been used by monks and nuns since ancient times. Bells can be used to clear the space and set the atmosphere for contemplation. They can also be used for keeping the mind focused during the practice of meditation.


Power of Your Voice


Your voice can be your most powerful healing sound maker. No investment or tools required and you will always have it with you – no matter where you go.

I don’t think there’s anyone unfamiliar with the sound “OM.” Focusing on and chanting this mantra connects you to the primal sound of the universe. This vibration resonates within all of us.

You can learn specific mantras to chant for peace, remove obstacles and access deeper awareness. The options are numerous should you decide to take the time to discover what’s available. The wisdom of the ancients is easily accessible to help you navigate through this maze of life.



Binaural Beats

When the left and right hemispheres of your brain are synchronized, they are working together in unison. Developing the balanced use of both sides of the brain is a result of regular meditation.

Generally, we have a more dominate side to our brain. Your left brain is good at math, is detailed oriented, reality based, logical, analytical… you get the picture… whereas your right hemisphere is intuitive, philosophical, imaginative, creative and adventurous. You can probably guess your more dominant side.

Listening to binaural beats while meditating enhances the ability for “whole brain synchronization.” This results in increased focus, greater awareness, a more optimistic perspective and a peaceful way of being.

So what are these binaural beats? Binaural beats are best listened to with headphones. They are created by hearing 2 tones that are slightly different (about 4-5hz apart). There is a 3rd oscillation created by the brain (which is the difference between the 2 sounds) and this automatically entrains the brainwave frequencies. But don’t worry… you don’t have to figure this out. There is a lot of binaural beat music available free on YouTube. Be adventurous, explore and find out what works for you. When it comes down to it… in the end you are the best determining factor for what works.


An Enhanced Experience


A sound table with low frequency transducers can send the healing energies to various parts of your body on a cellular level. This type of treatment allows you to experience the combined effects of listening to healing music while simultaneously experiencing the low frequency sound vibration in your body.

Research from the Sound Healing Institute indicates that these low frequency vibrations penetrate every cell of your body and create a relaxation response, while also clearing blockages and stimulating neural pathways.


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