House Bound – Roaming Room to Room in Search of Sanctity

by Mar 31, 2020at Home, Health & Wellness

Is your house or apartment just some place to drop by in between your daily activities, or is it truly your home and sanctuary?

When we are “forced” to stay inside, distractions are minimized and we are faced with our own psyche.

Does the fear of being quarantined at home reflect an unwillingness to go deeper within yourself?

As the inner reflects the outer, let’s take some time to wander through your home exploring every room, closet, nook and cranny.

Approach this as a “practice,” by taking a moment to quiet your mind and center yourself before beginning. A good way to begin is with a couple of deep full breaths.

I suggest that you start at the entrance to your home. As you walk through the halls and into each room, notice how you feel about the space – make sure to pause and take a deep breath before moving into the next room.

Things to be aware of:

What catches your eye?

Do you feel a sense of security or are you unsettled in your surroundings?

Does the air and “Prana” move freely in the space?

Notice if the air smells fresh or stagnant.

Be aware of which rooms feel good, right and comfortable verses the rooms you don’t want to be in – explore why that might be.

Is your home aesthetically pleasing to you?

If there are others in your home… Do their items blend well with yours?

Are things in the proper place or is there a lot of clutter (closets are included!).

What furniture, objects or trinkets do you have, which no longer have meaning to you and are just taking up space?

Is enough sunlight able to shine through your home?

What thoughts, images and stories are associated with each room?

After going through all of the rooms in your house – here are some suggestions for clearing the energy and making sure your home is truly your sanctuary in this time of quarantine and self isolation:

Remember that everything is energy… So anger, frustration, fear and stress can accumulate and “hang out” in your home.

Open the windows and doors as much as possible (if you can do so) during the day.

Smudge with Sage or Palo Santo to clear stagnant energy on a regular basis.

Create a quiet area for inner reflection and meditation facing East.

Sort through clutter and get rid of things you don’t need (some things you may want to donate at a later date).

Fill your home with healing sounds and mantras as opposed to background TV.

Think about what you really need and learn to simplify.

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