Up Against Obstacles? Chant to Ganesha

by Mar 13, 2018Health & Wellness, Spiritual

| Written By: Denice Zengo |

Get to Know Your Friendly Elephant – Ganesha

Om Gum Ganapataye Namah is the mantra you need to chant to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back in your life. This mantra is the sound vibration that helps to clear the energies around you. Energies you have created and may be carrying with you from a past life time | Read about past life karma |.

These obstacles are not outside of yourself. They are part of the belief system you carry around with you. It can be hard to change beliefs. Many are deeply rooted and unconscious, further influencing your reality and obstructing your dreams. Old habits and patterns become locked in a groove… repeating themselves over and over until you are able to break through and create a shift. Chanting to Ganesha helps to create this shift.

The world around you is a reflection of your inner consciousness. Create with intention and awareness.


Who is This Ganesha?

Ganesha is the Hindu Deity with a human body and an elephant head. He is often depicted sitting on top of a mouse. Well that’s absurd! And yet, they manage. A symbol of perceived impossibility overcome. His friendly mouse gnaws away at the ropes of ignorance, selfishness and pride – barriers to ultimate knowledge.

“What big ears you have Ganesha!”  “All the better to hear your prayers!”

You should take the time to meet this elephant God. Gaining his favor will help you along your path. He is a worthy ally and patron of writers, travelers, students, commerce and new projects. It’s no wonder Ganesha is the most worshiped God in Hinduism. His big belly is a symbol of his generous spirit and total acceptance.

Just like the elephant, Ganesha portrays the qualities of wisdom and knowledge.

It’s said that Ganesha can create obstacles for those with destructive ambitions. I hope that’s true… sometimes hard to believe when we look around at the impact greed has had on our environment. Where is Ganesha? Do we need to honor him collectively in order to empower him on a larger scale? Draw more of his energy in and all around us for a greater impact?

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