Yoga to the Rescue

by May 4, 2020at Home, Health & Wellness, Yoga

When your mind is worried, your body is tired and your soul needs replenishing – there is no greater remedy than the practice of Yoga.

Yoga is the union created by balancing the mind, spirit and physical body. You will not find peace of mind until you acknowledge the connection and discover the harmony between all three.

Through a dedicated practice of Yoga, we are able to transform the energies of our being into something greater than our ego, personality and limited sense of self. 

Since Covid 19 many of us have extra time on our hands. Can you come up with something more worthwhile than putting additional focus and attention into your Yoga practice? If you don’t already have a practice….now is a great time to start. Even for the simple reason that Yoga helps to reduce stress. Reducing stress is one of the best ways to boost your immune system and stay healthy.

A well rounded Yoga practice is needed in order to begin walking in the direction of greater awareness and health. Most everyone is familiar with asana (postures or poses) and generally this is what is thought of as Yoga in the West.  It is just as important to take time for meditation as well as developing mindfulness in your daily habits and interactions. This is Yoga.

The first step is making a commitment to your practice. Acknowledging that it is just as important as brushing your teeth every day. Set aside a specific time daily to focus on your Yoga. Start with something you can live with. Don’t set a lofty goal that you will renege on in a week. If you can commit to 15 minutes a day…..that’s a good start!  Taking online regularly scheduled classes makes it easier to develop a steady practice.

At Serenity Spa, we are committed to helping you stay on track with your practice as well as offering guidance and support for developing a new practice in this time of solitude, confusion and change. We welcome everyone.

One of the best ways to develop a well rounded practice is to explore the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga offered at Serenity Spa. These classes address all the essential components of Yoga….asana, meditation, pranayama (breath work) and Yoga philosophy. You can log on and sign up for these online classes at

Serenity Spa is still offering their Hot Belly classes. Here you can further explore pranayama along with mantra (sacred sound). These classes focus on chakras, movement and meditation. This is a heart centered practice.

If you are not sure and want to “test the waters” Serenity Spa has a variety of free YouTube videos for you to explore. Experience a guided meditation, learn about breath work or take a Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga class. Take the Yin class at the end of your day…I promise you will get a better nights sleep! Log onto to see the options available.

May we all use this time wisely. We can be like the lotus flower that has it’s roots in the dirtiest of waters but blossoms with beauty into the light.

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